TV Candelaria - Brazil Television

Candelaria TV is a television station located in the Brazilian city of Porto Velho , RO . The station belongs to the Picture Communication System ( SIC ) and is affiliated to Rede Record . The station operates in Porto Velho , capital of the State , on channel 11 and in digital on VHF channel 30 . The TV Candelaria makes history as the first station of Rondônia to operate with Digital signal , in September 2010 . The SIC also has the Rondônia Record News on UHF channel 58 and digital channel 57 , in Porto Velho. The Record News was the second station Rondônia Rondônia operating system Digital in January 2011. The Picture Communication System operates with Record News still Pimenta Bueno , on Channel 9 , in Jaru , on channel 7 and Cacoal on Channel 4 .

Address Av. Rio Madeira Bairro: Flodoaldo P. Pinto
Phone +55 (0)69 3219 9000
Official website
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Schedule Schedule
Logo TV Candelaria